Marching Band Spectator Packing Tips

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Once upon a time, in a land filled with unpredictable weather, there existed a dedicated group of marching band fans. After braving many rainy games, cold bleachers, and one particularly windy competition where they saw the band battle a 90-foot-flag, they emerged triumphantly—though quite soggy and with a new fear of large flags.

indian valley flag

They gathered around the glow of their smartphones and shared the wisdom of their weather-beaten exploits. So pay attention, dear friends: If you wish to keep your toes from freezing off and your dreams of pie alive, heed the tales of the fans who came before you. This is your official warning: pack wisely, or forever be haunted by the ghost of Phiona the phoenix!




  • small umbrella– check venue rules & be considerate
  • ponchos- easy to carry, effective, and don’t block views
  • rainproof footwear– with water-repellent and quick-drying materials
  • large trash bags– can be used to sit on and keep yourself and your belongings dry
  • clear gallon bags– perfect for keeping phones, keys, and other small items dry

Pro Tip: Shop outdoor brands like Columbia for gear that can handle tough weather.

Cold & Snow


  • warm accessories-hats, beanies, gloves, and scarves
  • warm layers– insulated jackets and warm socks
  • warm shoes– insulated shoes with good traction
  • hand warmers– and foot warmers and body warmers for extra warmth
  • blankets– bring one to sit on and one to cover yourself with

Pro Tip: Double-sided blankets with one warm side and one waterproof side are amazing! Search for “stadium”, “waterproof”, “outdoor”, or “picnic” blankets.

Sun & Heat


  • sunscreen– an SPF 15+ applied every 2 hours, to prevent burns
  • water– to stay hydrated
  • brimmed hat– provides shade for your face
  • cooling towel– can provide relief from extreme heat
  • personal fan– can be an extra item for particularly hot days

Pro Tip: Wear light colors and breathable or moisture-wicking materials. Hats and long sleeves help to stay cool.

Personal Care


  • tissues or baby wipes– useful for cleaning up and keeping clean
  • paper or microfiber towels– can be used to dry seats and surfaces
  • safety pins, hair ties, etc.– can be quick fixes for small problems
  • small first-aid kit– bandages, headache & allergy medicine for minor situations
  • hand sanitizer– keeps hands clean when other options aren’t available

Pro Tip: Bees love watching marching bands, too. Click here for tips on repelling bees.


  • change of dry clothes– in case you forgot the poncho
  • blanket and pillow– see below
  • audiobooks or music– great ways to stay entertained
  • snacks– for keeping energy up
  • drinks– water is essential but thermoses of hot chocolate or coffee can be a welcome treat

Pro Tip: Nobody will care if you go back to your car after the band performs and before awards. Parents need rest too!


  • bag or tote– for carrying everything
  • bleacher pad, blanket, or chair– check venue rules for allowed seating
  • cash & debit/credit cards– many venues only accept cash for tickets, concessions, merchandise, and programs
  • snacks– in case you can’t get to the concessions
  • entertainment during breaks– judges breaks usually last around 15 minutes, but there can be multiple
  • phone or camera– be sure to check Competition Spectator Do’s and Don’ts
  • noise-cancelling headphones– for those sensitive to loud noises
  • camping chairs– if allowed, some venues allow these when seating is limited

Pro Tip: A waterproof bag with a zipper keeps everything inside dry!

A Few More Things to Bring


  • enthusiasm– your excitement and support are the best things you can bring
  • patience and a sense of humor– live events are unpredictable; stay positive and remember we’re here to have fun
  • a sense of community– we’re all in this together; no matter what school another band is from, we support one another
  • friends and family– the more the merrier! invite your friends and family to cheer on our students

Pro Tip: You represent our band and school district when you’re in the stands. Be responsible, be respectful, be engaged, and be a Brave.



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