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Volunteer at the Fireworks Festival
We are still in need of volunteers for the Fireworks Festival! Visit the Volunteer page and sign-up to help at the concession stand and face painting. (Adults especially!)…
Submit Your Music Memories
Hey Braves fans! We want you to share your favorite Indian Valley music photos and videos! Share the performances, like photos from a competition or a…
IVHS Drama Club Performs Annie for a Full House
Last Friday, the IVHS Drama Club had their opening night performance of Annie, and it was a hit with a full house! The second show was postponed (everyone…
Staying on Beat Podcast
IVHS has a student organization called Braves Nation Communications that does amazing things all year long. Two band students, Sarah G. and Matthew D., are part of BNC…
Support Indian Valley Music This Giving Season
Your support of Indian Valley music programs through donations and participation in events is more than just a donation. It’s a gift that supports music education in our…
Marching Band November Photo Dump
The marching band started November with their state competition, and they’ve been at every football game supporting the Braves on their way to the football state CHAMPIONSHIP! This…