Information at a Glance
We share a lot of information throughout the year. Our goal is to keep lines of communication open between the directors, parents, and community. You can find all the resources you need to find information in the following places:
During marching band season, the directors send home a newsletter with important reminders.
Students have access to their Google Classroom, where directors share information such as judge’s tapes, forms, and reminders.
This is how messages are sent, including ETAs for travel and last-minute reminders, with both directors and music boosters using Remind for easy two-way communication.
- Music Boosters- text FB2CCE to 81010
- Marching Band- text @D47HA67 to 81010
- Pep Band- text @ivpepband to 81010
- Choir- text @ivchoi to 81010
Here you’ll find info on:
- upcoming events
- News
- FAQs
- fundraising
- volunteer opportunities
Here is the 2024-2025 Band Handbook.
Held monthly on the 2nd Thursday at 6 pm in the high school multi-purpose room, meetings are a great place to share ideas and hear about upcoming events.

Frequently Asked Questions
Students are expected to arrive early to set up instruments, move equipment, change into uniforms, etc. How early depends on what the Director has specified (usually told verbally, available on Remind, and/or through Google Classroom) and what your student’s specific duties are.
If you are ever in doubt, see the contact page to email your director.
- Tuscarawas Philharmonic– offers children’s chorus, Summer camps for percussion, string, and chorus
- East Central Ohio ESC– sponsor of the county-wide Honors Band and Choir (ask your directors for more info)
- Performing Arts Center– local concerts and performances
5th grade: Concert band starts. Instrument Night is held in fall for students to try out instruments.
6th grade: Choir starts. Many students are in choir and concert band.
7th and 8th grade: Students can join the high school marching band, which includes color guard tryouts.
Students choose their schedules in the spring of the previous school year.
Solo and ensemble are adjudicated performances where students can receive ratings from judges. This is an optional opportunity for high school band and choir students.
Honors band is an opportunity for middle school and high school band and choir students. They are selected by their directors and are spend a day learning music, practicing, and performing with other students from around the county.
Marching Band
From the school website, you can access FinalForms to complete your school forms and download the PPE form to take to your student’s doctor to be signed.
Physical forms must be signed and returned before the start of band camp each year.
Band camp starts in July. Exact dates will be announced in late Spring.
Marching Band season is a busy time! It is a time filled with band camp, practices, field trips, and the annual banquet. Students perform at all home and away varsity football games, as well as several competitions around the state. They also participate in local events, such as the fair’s Band-o-Rama and parades. Additionally, the band travels every two years to destinations like DisneyWorld and Dollywood.
Yes, but you will need to sign out your student at the end of the competition or game with Ms. Calvin. If she isn’t available, find another director. They must be informed that you are taking your student home. If your student is supposed to go home with someone else, you must fill out the form available on the Marching Band Google Classroom and give it to a director ahead of time.
Yes, attendance is taken; please email Ms. Calvin to let her know if your student needs to miss a day.
- Each host band sets up their schedule differently. The directors will send this out ahead of time with directions for parking (if necessary).
- We compete as a class B band. Classes are based on student enrollment. The smallest class is C and largest is AA.
- Each band has an allotted time to set up, warm up, and perform their show. Points can be deducted for exceeding these limits.
- There are multiple judges in charge of awarding points in various categories: Music, Visual, General Effect, Percussion, & Auxiliary
- Audience reaction is part of the score! Cheer and applaud at big moments and solos.
- There are 5 outcomes for our band’s overall rating: poor (5), fair (4), good (3), excellent (2), and superior (1). A superior rating earns a place at the State Marching Band Finals.
- There can also be various other awards given, such as best in a category, or Grand Champion.
- Performances of Indian Valley shows are not allowed to be shared publicly, due to music copyright laws.
- There is an expected etiquette at competitions. To be respectful of the performers and people watching them, entering the stands during a show is not allowed.
See also: Competition Spectator Do’s & Don’ts & Competition Spectator Packing Tips
Each marching band member should have:
- bibbers, jacket, and gauntlets
- hat
- garment bag and hat box
- marching shoes (theirs to keep, replaced at additional cost)
- red polo shirt and blue shorts
- black crew socks (you provide these)
Color guard members should have:
- school uniform
- shoes
- gloves
- competition uniform (returned at the end of the season)
The music boosters will provide each student with a competition t-shirt at no extra charge.
Music boosters handle the cleaning of the marching band uniforms. They are cleaned between each season and periodically through the season. If the uniform gets wet, it is a good idea to hang it to dry fully before storing.
Care Slips for uniforms are available from the directors. If your uniform needs washing, repairing, or just some TLC, fill out a slip and drop it in the Booster mailbox. We’ll take care of it!
Color guard uniforms are the responsibility of the color guard member, using the instructions on the garment.
Yes, each student will have fees to pay each season. The costs fluctuate, depending on if you are a new marcher or if you need replacement uniform items. All fees go toward uniform costs (repair, replacement, and cleaning).
Fees are due by the end of the school year and can be paid by check. Make the check out to Indian Valley Music Boosters and have your student deposit it in the mailbox in the band room OR mail it to:
Indian Valley Music Boosters
P.O. Box 507
Gnadenhutten, Ohio 44629
Before home games, the Glazer train is when students (and Mrs. G) move equipment and personal belongings to the stadium before the game starts.
No, however, high school concert band often practices the competition show during class in addition to after-school practice.