Heads Up Reminders

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We know it’s not easy to keep track of everything. In case you missed it or need a reminder, here’s some info for upcoming events:

Sign-Up for Volunteer Opportunities

Bring Cookies to home games and Serve the Marching Braves sign-ups are available for all upcoming games. Join us in keeping these musicians fueled up and happy!


Donate to Feed the Marching Braves

Businesses and individuals can donate money or packaged food and drinks. Donations of any size are welcome and all donors get a shout-out on our social media pages!

comp season calendar

Get Events Information

Our Events page has had a makeover! Among the many features, you can now:

  • Toggle between List, Month, and Day views
  • Click on an Event to view Details. Each event has an address and map. As the information becomes available, there are also tickets, parking, and performance order for competitions.
  • Add a single event to your calendar or subscribe to our calendar, for easy planning.

Get a Shout-out in Copley Program

Place a Shout-Out to your student in the Copley HS Marching Band Invitational program. This is the competition held on October 12.


Join the Music Boosters Remind

We’ve recently started a Remind just for Music Booster updates! Get up-to-the-minute news and send messages when you need a quick question answered.

You’re amazing. In case you didn’t know!

We aren’t always able to thank everyone personally, but you should know, we see you and we thank you. If you have ever:

  • shared, liked, or commented on our social media posts
  • sponsored us or donated to us
  • came to a performance and cheered for the students
  • moved props and equipment at a game, comp, or festival
  • worked a concession stand, sold donuts or cotton candy
  • helped feed the students before, during, or after an event
  • drove a bus or pulled a trailer for us
  • cheered runners or guided them along the 5K route
  • made or bought cookies, snacks, or meals for us or to sell
  • painted faces or applied hair tinsel
  • shared your music expertise at camp or as a judge
  • sold tickets for an event or sold fundraising items
  • bought donuts, pepperoni rollers, t-shirts, raffle tickets
  • came to a meeting
  • helped set-up or clean up an event
  • shared your photos, videos, or design skills
  • helped sew, build props, sort fundraiser items, clean uniforms
  • cleared the way for the band to enter or exit the stadium safely
  • listened to your student share stories about a practice or event
  • picked up, dropped off, or shuttled a student as needed


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