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Heads Up Reminders
We know it’s not easy to keep track of everything. In case you missed it or need a reminder, here’s some info for upcoming events: Sign-Up for Volunteer…
Volunteer with us!
🚩 The marching band performs for less than 11 minutes when they takethe field, showcasing long hours of hard work, dedication, and skill.What you may not see are…
Cords of Distinction
🎶 Have you ever noticed those colorful cords on some of our marchers’ uniforms? These special cords, called Cords of Distinction, represent excellence in 5 key areas: 🔴…
RSVP to the Marching Band Banquet
The Marching Band Banquet will be held on December 11th from 5:30-7:30pm in the IVHS Commons! Food will be served, so please RSVP to Tracey by December…
Fall Apparel Sale
We have partnered with Country Roads Huggins Team Shop for our fall apparel sale! There are three designs to choose from: the “Halftime is Game Time” graphic, a…