Serve the Marching Braves

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Serve Marching Braves Before/During Football Games


Feeding Marching Braves

Home Games:

  • Serve food during the 3rd quarter of the varsity football game
  • 2-3 adults will help serve our marching band and the visiting band
  • Assist with setup and cleanup of tables, coolers, etc.
  • Meet at IVHS stadium (purchase a ticket or season pass for entry)
  • Arrive 30 minutes before the 3rd quarter, allow 1 hour for setup & serving

Away Games:

  • Serve snacks before the bus leaves for away games
  • 2-3 adults will help serve the Marching Braves
  • Assist with setup and cleanup of tables, coolers, etc.
  • Meet at band room at 3pm and allow 1 hour for setup & serving


  • Click Sign Up to choose an available slot
  • Input your contact information
  • Click Sign Me Up


October 18, 2024
Server (home game)
Start Time: 7:30 pm
End Time: 8:30 pm
Available Spots
1 remaining:  
October 25, 2024
Server (away game)
Start Time: 3:00 pm
End Time: 4:00 pm
Available Spots
3 remaining:  


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